The association Pro Ethica – think tank en sciences morales is active in the field of ethics.

The main aim of our work is to collect and nourish knowledge relevant for contemporary ethical issues and put it to profitable use.

Our contributions range from scientifically rigourous studies to punctual interventions concerning salient topics, from articles on Aristotle’s, Kant’s or Confucius’ views on morality to the drawing of a panorama of today’s ethical norms.

Pro Ethica was founded in Geneva in Summer 2011 and is active around Switzerland.

Last news

  1. (fr) Initiative pour des multinationales responsables

    Chère lectrice, cher lecteur, Une association comportant 66 organisations de la société civile suisse, l’Initiative pour des multinationales responsables - laquelle Pro Ethica a rejoint au mois de février – a lancé cette semaine officiellement une initiative populaire du même nom. Le noyau de l’initiative vise le principe de la diligence raisonnable. Les...


Our newsletter keeps you informed about our activities. The first version will be published before the end of the year, you can subscribe already now for free.

